I've been working outside a bit when the weather cooperates. I've mown the lawn three times and cleaned up under the existing plantings. I've also replaced a shrub that was destroyed this past winter, planted a container (well partially planted it), a rose and some rhubarb. I have more to do, but here are some pictures of what it's like now.

This is the view from the parking area to the back of the lot. The tree line in the distance close to the white house is the end of my property. The tent is set up because Mabel decided sometime in the winter that I needed to be punished for something and peed on the tent bag and now it's being aired out. I think I'll leave it up for a while...

A container garden underway.

There are three plants here beside the driveway - two spreading juniper type, and the one closest to the back yard is perhaps some type of lily. I'm looking forward to seeing what grows out of the greenery. (It's hard to see because it is barely above the grass level and almost the same colour.)

The driveway from the front. I replaced the spreading juniper closest to the street - you can see it just beyond the lattice. The cedar in front of the porch is in bad shape, and the one matching on the other side of the house is dead, so I'll be replacing them, but I don't know with what yet.

You can see most of the front plantings in this view. I should have cropped the street from the picture. :-(

I don't know what the shrubs at the front (the yellow ones) are, but once they flower I'll be able to better search for them. You can see the dead cedar just to the left of the verandah.

This is the bleeding heart - or what's left of it. It was so congested with grass and weeds that it was quite weak to stand on its own. And the day after I cleaned it out we had a lovely, very windy day and more stalks were lost. But most of it survives and now it's supported well.

This Iris is such a lovely colour! It, too was clogged up with grass and weeds. Some of the rhizomes were rotten and I took them out, but there is still an area that looks like it is infected with something. More research to do.

The left rose bush is much smaller (as in fuller - both are the same height) than the other so maybe it is younger. The leaves are a lighter green which leads me to believe that these roses will be a light pink or cream. We'll see! The other is a much fuller rose bush - maybe it's been around a bit longer than the other. These roses will probably be a deep pink or red. It will be interesting to see what they turn out to be.

You can see where I've dug out a garden plot beside the shed. My rhubarb is there and so is About Face, and two of the hummingbird feeders are there too. I'm pretty sure the hummers have been around; in fact I think I was dive bombed while I was digging in the dirt there! (either that or it was a VERY big bee !!)

And here she is - About Face! She's growing!!! ^_^
A few other pictures of the trees and flowers:

Honeysuckle ( I think) on the side and Phlox and lilacs at the end of the property.

Some new growth on the pine tree at the end of the property - lots of this all over the tree.

These tall trees form a nice barrier of sorts so everyone has some privacy.

There is a lot of this stuff underneath the trees and I'm not familiar with it. the closest that I can come from looking in my reference book is Joe Pye weed. It's actually quite attractive - saw toothed leaves bordered in red with a fleshy red stem. I'm really looking forward to seeing flowers on this one.
Well, that's it for today. I have a few more things to plant - some thyme and basil and some strawberries...maybe.
note (in preview the text and photos are not lining up properly - I'll fix it eventually but I'm off to bed now.)