Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Garden Biz-ness

I took a bunch of photos a little over a month ago and just never got them posted - busy with a lot of things - getting ready for Market and so on.

So here is a photo essay on what is going on in the back yard as of June 30th.

Entering Plantman Gardens

Evening Primrose, Thymes, Virginia Creeper, Lily of the Valley, Phlox etc.

Astilbes - Lots of them!

More Astilbes (there are Snowdrift, Fanal, Etna, Delft Lace, Finale, Catelaya, Gloria and more!)
 as well as cannas, sedums and lots of others.

Here are some purple coneflowers started from seed and a few different plants.

Three types of perennial geraniums - Patricia, Sanguinium and Brookside

Monkshood, cherry bells, bee balm, yarrow, asters - just before coming into flower.

Coral Bells, Iris, columbine and red Honeysuckle

Irises - Variegated, Purple Bearded and Yellow and purple bearded

Hostas - Undulata Marginata, Francee, Wide Brim, Blue Cadet, Sum and Substance

Daylilies - Elegant Candy, Pandora's Box, Mini Stella and Black Eyed Stella

Asiatic and Oriental lilies - not in bloom at the moment, but it's coming!

Ornamental grasses and Giant Striped Reed.

We've kept a few things aside for our own gardens, but everything above will be available for purchase.  Bloom time will be AMAZING!

I also discovered the closeup or Macro setting on my camera and took these pictures on the same day:

This is an Etna astilbe flower spike.

Here is a closeup of an astilbe flower spike.

Red Bleeding Heart closeup.

and White Bleeding Heart.

Dwarf Red Bleeding Heart

Columbine - just gorgeous!

Chocolate Mint; see the dark margin around the leaves?

I planted these last year and didn't expect them to come up this spring because they are in a container.  But they did!  It makes me smile just to look at them in all their lovely colour.  :-)

This is lamium.  The flowers vary from deep purple to light pink to white.  We have several different ones and this is one that Steve planted in the garden in front of the house last year.  They look delicate but are obviously very hardy.

This is one of the perennial geraniums - called Patricia

and the blue one below is called Brookside.

This is White Creeping Thyme.  It is lovely when it blooms.  It's a great ground cover for rock gardens or between stepping stones.  We also have wooly thyme and Minas Thyme; the blossoms are different colours for each type.

This is a Black Eyed Stella Daylily.  Don't know why it's called that because there doesn't seem to be a lot of black on it.

Below is a Hosta Undulata Marginata with a flower spike just forming a bud.

This is an evening primrose blossom - what lovely clear yellow!

This is Virginia Creeper.  Steve tells me that there will not be any flowers, only berries, and so the berries are already starting to grow.

And last but not least by far is the white honeysuckle.  It had many flowers on it, and this was the first time I had ever seen one.  It's lovely!  It will climb, and though there is a trellis there now, we'll replace it with a better one once the honeysuckle is a little bigger.  this is on the side of the house.

As always, if you click on a picture, you'll get a much bigger version.  To return to the blog, just hit the back button.  I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.  :-)

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