Wednesday, December 26, 2012

So, now that we have the flowers shared, it's time to share the actual Christmas decoration photos!  Steve has outdone himself this year with some new colour schemes and more led lights.  Sadly the old incandescent lights are burning out and the old strings of lights are not working as well as they once did.  Over the next few years we will be switching over to led entirely as our old light sets cease to work.  For now, though, the decorations are a combination of both types.  It makes for an interesting effect!

This post will be the outside lights.  They will look better if you click on the image to enlarge it.

The back of the house with the deck lit.  You enter right into the kitchen.

The driveway side of the house.  The window at the back of the house is the kitchen.

This is the front of the house from both sides.  New this year are the three stars on the wall in the porch and the antique bells hanging over the stairs.

The other side of the room window to the front and the office window (where the hoya hangs) to the back.

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